Start 2024 with access to thousands of partner sellers for your marketplace

Your marketplace relies on the presence of active sellers that provide the products and range that potential customers are looking for. Keeping track of your existing partner seller base as well as discovering new potential sellers is what we have made our business.

Discover more than 50.000 potential partner sellers for your market place

We offer an existing and actively updated database on sellers on These are not just sellers that are active in Germany but across the EU in many instances. You’ll get immediate access to details about these sellers and contact information, all in one place. Metrics we actively discover and offer for you:

Seller Rank

Amazon offers clear ranking of sellers based on their presence in a given category as well as their overall activity on the marketplace including reviews, sales, product offerings and more. Our overview gives you an easy way to sort according to rank to find the best potential partner sellers immediately.

Company Details

You are given access to the company name, legal name, VAT information as well as contact information to ensure you can quickly contact potential partners and begin setting up your contracts.

Identify Active Sellers

A seller is only as good as their activity. We offer you an easy to read metric to identify rising stars among the sellers based on the frequency of review engagement. You will find amazing new sellers long before your competition.

Brands And Categories

To understand which sellers might be a good fit for your own marketplace, you need to understand what these sellers are offering. We give you a handy overview of the categories in which they are active as well as the brands the seller usually offers.

Manage Your Data

You can easily add information to each seller to keep track of who is handling who, what their current status of association with you is and more.

Ignore The Junk

We provide you with an easy option to quickly filter out sellers that are likely unreliable and are flooding the marketplace with off brand junk. This saves you time and your customers nerves.

Get in touch today and let's get you started!

Want to know more? We can schedule a call and answer all your questions, including pricing, how to add your own data to manage everything in one centralized platform and more!